Spiced Rum Spiked! Recipe Challenge {SIGN UP}
Good morning and welcome to the latest edition of your favorite booze infused recipe challenge: the Spiked! Recipe Challenge! This month’s secret ingredient: Spiced Rum!
I’ll admit, I’m not a fan of drinking spiced rum. I prefer the plain ole Barcardi rum. But I do LOVE baking with spiced rum. I happen to make a pretty darn good rum cake with it. Don’t worry, though. I won’t be making a rum cake for this challenge. I have some creative ideas running around in my mind so you’ll have to stay tuned to find out what tasty treat I create!
A Few Rules about the Spiced Rum Spiked! Recipe Challenge
- Carrie and I would love for you to follow us via one of our many social media outlets. I’ve made it easy for you to follow This Gal Cooks. Just click the links below. You can find Carrie’s social media outlets over on her page here.
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- To sign up, just add a link to your home page via the linky below. Be sure to include your email address so we can notify you of important dates and info regarding the challenge. Don’t worry, we won’t spam you. :)
- You must place the Spiked! button somewhere in your Spiked! recipe post in order to be eligible to win.
- The recipe you make MUST BE YOUR OWN! You can use inspiration from other recipes but be sure that you do not copy them exact. And be sure to credit your source!
- You may only submit ONE recipe.
- The recipe must feature the beverage of choice. The recipe CANNOT be a drink recipe. It must be an a baked good, a side dish, an entree, a soup, you get the idea.
- You must link up your Spiced Rum recipe when the submissions linky goes live on November 15. The submissions are active for two days only. No entries will be accepted past the closing date.
- All recipes will be judged by Carrie (Frugal Foodie Mama) and I. The winner will be announced one week after submissions close. The winner will be emailed and announced on each of our blogs.
- The winner of the Spiked! Recipe Challenge will receive bragging rights but they will also win a copy of The Beeroness’s The Craft Beer Cookbook.
Winner will have a choice of either the paperback or Kindle version via Amazon.com
- Spread the word! Tweet, Pin, Facebook share or Google Plus share to spread the word about this recipe contest! The more the merrier, right?
If you missed September’s Spiked! Fall Beers Recipe Challenge winner, have no fear, you can check her out here! Just click the image to view the recipe!

Apple Ale Doughnuts by Cooking with Curls
I might have to join this one, I can think of some many things to make with spiced rum!
Time to start brain storming! I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with. :)
Hmm..I’ve never cooked with rum before. What a neat challenge..I def have to think about this one before signing up ;)